Posts Tagged ‘change


In the quiet of the storm


Sometimes I don’t know why things happen
They just do: unexpected; sudden
They hit you sideways, flailing
Disorientated, falling, spilling…
Not knowing quite why you’re failing

Things once solid; understood
Disappear like dry clay dust underfoot
The lag of understanding of how solid
Tried and trusted turned to liquid
And quicksilver
Broke free…

Trickling away like
Birds in sunshine’s play

And blinking in day’s bright aqua light
Stunned by sudden change
Whilst pink and green dots blur your sight
Tripping footfall on paths all rearranged

Why are we all so sure things will always stay the same
And that things we’re settled with will always remain?
As this flux of come and go, who you know… or knew: gone
Transfigured like morning mist, evaporating in the sun

Now you stand, silent, rain pelting hard against your skin
It feels good, atoning for your original sin
In the sharp ozone of the wet earth, your own feelings and decision reform
Here: in the brilliant break… in the quiet of the storm.